Fear and How Our Decisions Affect Our Kids

I have said it before and I will say it again, I don’t want to live my life based on fear.  Fear of my fellow man and how they will take my information and use it against me.  This fear was imbedded into my psyche as a very young child and I was always told to keep the family secrets to myself.  I have struggled with this concept as an adult many times and especially when it comes to having donor conceived children.  I DO NOT want my decisions to affect my kids negatively, especially when I feel so strongly about them, and my decision to talk about my family being created through donor conception is one of those tough choices I have had to make.  I have made my bed and now I have to lay in it, these children have been created using donor sperm and I will never regret that.  I have chosen to talk about it over the www via a blog (a very mommy thing to do these days)!  I have chosen to tell them they are donor conceived, and I chose to use an anonymous donor.  Yes I have chosen for them, but as parents that’s what we do until they are adults and then they go off and choose to create or not create their own families and they make choices on how and when they will do that.  My fear can not run my choices but neither can my heart, there has to be some sensibility to it all and I will be the first to admit I am not sure I am there yet!

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